Qi Gong - the oldest method to cleanse the human body.

Colon cancer with intestinal obstruction.

Dr. Zhu Weimin (March 2, 2023)

Clinical case 1: Colon cancer with intestinal obstruction

The patient is an 85-year-old woman who was admitted to the emergency department of a major hospital in China due to abdominal pain, vomiting, and rectal bleeding (in 2018). The diagnosis made was advanced colon cancer with intestinal obstruction.

Treatment: After her admission to the hospital, the doctors informed the patient's family members that surgery needed to be performed quickly, otherwise the patient's life was at risk. However, her son refused the surgical treatment and sent me a message: "My mother is hospitalized." I quickly called him, and he told me that his mother was currently in a lot of pain and he wanted to find an alternative method that was better than surgery. I asked him why he had refused the surgery. He explained that he had seen many people of his mother's age undergo surgery and die shortly after. Therefore, he did not want to take the risk of surgery. Indeed, not long ago, she had already been admitted to the largest hospital in the city. The doctor said, "It is too late to operate, whether she is operated on or not, she will die soon. Let her go home, and if she wants to eat something, feed her. However many days she has left to live." She went back home. The tumor has worsened and is now blocking the colon. Her son did not tell me this story this time, otherwise I would have had to suggest Qi Gong to him directly.

I told him, "You are smart. I don't have anyone as smart as you by my side to make such a wise decision."

He replied, "The problem is that I refused surgery, but I don't know what to do now. I wanted to ask you if you have a better solution."

I started by suggesting music therapy to him. However, after one day of use, although it was effective, the results were not satisfactory.

The next day, after confirming the diagnosis, I asked him, "I remember that more than 20 years ago, you used to practice a type of Qi Gong, right?" He replied that he had stopped practicing more than 20 years ago. I said, "Your mother also used to practice, I know. She told me when I went to your house." He said, "My mother also stopped a long time ago." I responded, "That is precisely why she fell ill." I continued, "You should resume practicing this Qi Gong now. Give it a try."

I called him at noon, and in the afternoon, he did Qi Gong with his mother for two hours in the hospital room.

The next day, the surgeon came in and asked, "Sir, what did you do for your mother? Why is there no more abdominal pain? No more vomiting? No more rectal bleeding?"

"I didn't do anything," he replied.

The surgeon left, shaking his head from side to side, showing his incomprehension.

The next day, the surgeon returned and observed the patient more closely. She had already eaten. The surgeon found this strange and turned to the son, with his hands clasped in front of his chest and his back bent at 90 degrees: "Sir, please tell me honestly, what did you do? I also need to learn things."

His son made the same gesture: "Honestly, Doctor, I didn't do anything. It was your colleague who prescribed a medication."

"Ah, a medication. Which one? Who prescribed it?" asked the surgeon.

A nurse came out and brought another surgeon. The two surgeons started discussing: "No, no, no, that doesn't treat it!"

Since then, the surgeon asks the same question to his son every day, but his son always answers, "No, I didn't do anything."

Two weeks passed, and the patient's condition improved. The surgeon ordered a scan, which showed that the colon was unblocked and the tumor had decreased in size by 50%. He then ordered her discharge from the hospital.

Before leaving, the surgeon said to his son, "I heard that you have a 'high person' in France who gives you advice, is that true?"

His son laughed but didn't say anything.

I spoke to the patient on the phone and told her, "You must practice this Qi Gong every day for 2 hours." At first, she was serious about it, but since she no longer felt anything, she ate much more than her daughter. She stopped practicing and only took care of feeding the cat and dog.

In December 2021, I received a message from my friend's brother: "Professor Zhu, how are you?"

I found it a bit strange. Was there something? I typed: "How is your mother doing?"

He replied, "My mother is hospitalized."

I called my friend, and he told me, "This time, it's serious. She can't eat anymore, and she has edema in her hands and feet. The doctor is giving her intravenous fluids to sustain her life."

I said, "Why didn't you call me?"

"This time, she no longer has the strength to get up and practice Qi Gong. You can't save her anymore," he said.

I replied, "But that's all I have!" I was a little angry and asked, "Where are you?"

"I am in the hospital room," he replied, getting closer to his mother. His mother said to me, "Weimin, do you have any other way to treat me? I only listen to you."

"Ah, that's good. If you listen to me, we have hope," I said. "From now on, you don't need to get up, you don't need to force yourself. Just recite a phrase, whether you say it out loud or not, it's the same." (If you don't understand it well or if you're interested, you can search on Google for 'Hawaiian Therapy,' it's the same principle.)

She did as I told her. The next day, the edema in her hands and feet had significantly decreased. She was hungry, she ate, she got out of bed, and she took her son's arm to walk in the hospital corridor. The doctor saw this and shouted, "What's happening? Sir, what did you do? Is she cured?"

My friend replied, "I didn't do anything, it's you who treated her!"

"No, no, no, Sir, that's not possible!"

Three days later, she was discharged from the hospital, and she is still alive.