Terrifying Optical Experiment and the Mental Healing Methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Light is one of the most common things around us, yet we know very little about it. In the past, we knew that where there is light, there is heat, and where there is heat, there is life, meaning that light is a form of energy. The central concept of traditional Chinese medicine is to heal through balancing energies, demonstrating that Chinese medicine is not far from the essence of the universe. Moreover, modern and contemporary scientists, conducting optical experiments, have discovered startling facts: outcomes can change causes; the future can alter the past and present; materialism cannot dominate the world alone, idealism plays a dominant role in the universe; and finally, spirituality exists not only in humans and animals, but in all things in the universe. These discoveries explain the mechanisms and essence of ancient Chinese medical methods such as incantations (Zhuyou), meditation, and intention therapy, providing a solid theoretical basis for the clinical treatment of certain challenging diseases.
The nature of light is related to the health of the human body and is closely connected to both traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine.
What is light? Scientists haven't fully understood it until today
In 1675, Newton stated that light consisted of particles spreading in all directions. This theory explained why light travels in straight lines and also explained phenomena such as reflection and refraction. However, this theory quickly encountered problems. In 1678, Huygens proposed the theory of light waves, published in his work 《Treatise on Light》 in 1690. Huygens argued that light was not composed of particles but of waves. However, due to Newton's great reputation, Huygens' theory could not compete with Newton's.
In 1807, the British scientist Thomas Young, at the age of 34, conducted a simple double-slit interference experiment. By sending a light source through two slits, if light consisted of particles, the image on the screen should be two distinct bands (as in Fig 1). However, the result of the experiment, as shown in Fig 2, displayed interference fringes, indicating that light is a wave, much like the ripples produced by two stones falling into water (Fig 3), interfering with each other. However, Einstein used the photoelectric effect to prove that light is indeed composed of particles.
In 1909, Geoffrey Taylor reproduced Young's experiment. Using a photon gun to emit one photon at a time, the result of the experiment was astonishing as it still produced interference fringes, like in Fig 2. Scientists were puzzled. How could a photon split? Interfere with itself? It seemed impossible! It was only in 1924 that Louis de Broglie proposed the concept of wave-particle duality, indicating that microscopic particles such as photons, electrons, protons, etc., possess wave-particle duality. In terms of quantum mechanics, this is called a superposition state. What is a superposition state? Schrödinger used an analogy with a box containing poison and a cat. Before opening the box, the cat is either alive or dead, so there are two possibilities, this is what is called a superposition state; once the box is opened, the superposition state collapses and there is only one possibility.
Light and the scientists' game of hide-and-seek: "No cheating !"
But when does light behave like a particle? When does it behave like a wave? How do superposed states overlap? The questions persist! So, some conducted experiments with electrons, using a gun that could only eject one electron at a time. The results were the same as Mr. Young's experiment, showing interference fringes. Scientists wanted to know which slit the electrons passed through, how they split, how they interacted. So, they set up an observer (Fig 4). And there, something terrifying happened: When the observer was activated, the electron interference phenomenon disappeared, but when the observer was turned off, the interference fringes reappeared. The results were the same for experiments with photons. It was terrifying! Did light have consciousness, refusing humans to observe its wave-like behavior? It was telling scientists: "No cheating! Otherwise, I won't play." It was like a child who loves playing games on their phone hearing their mother approaching and immediately putting down their phone to do homework. When their mother left, they picked up their phone again. It was terrifying! Scientists were completely perplexed. But this was only the beginning; even more terrifying things were to follow.
Scientists agreed not to observe which slit the photons passed through, focusing only on the screen. But the result was the same: "No cheating!" Just as the photons were about to reach the screen, scientists activated the observer, but it still didn't work. "As soon as you activate it, I stop playing with interference." (Click on the image to enlarge.)
Can we change the past in the future?
In 1999, Jim and others conducted a delayed-choice quantum experiment that shook the very foundations of physicists. This experiment used a BBO crystal, capable of producing a pair of entangled photons when a photon passes through it, as shown in Fig 5. These two entangled quantum particles, even if separated by large distances, even on different planets, remain in communication, and this communication occurs at a speed faster than that of light, which defies any explanation from classical physics. Einstein called it "spooky action at a distance," as he had previously asserted that the speed of light was the fastest, and here it contradicted his theories.
The first pair of photons exiting the BBO is called the signal photon, heading directly towards screen X, while the other pair is called the idler photon, it passes through a reflecting mirror to reach observers A and B, who respectively receive photons from a and b. When the observers are activated, the photons are either captured by observer B or by observer A, resulting in two distinct bands on screen X, without interference fringes.
By adding a semi-transparent lens E to the experimental setup, as shown in figure 7, allowing 50% of the photons to pass through lens E, while the remaining 50% are reflected back, the photons received by observers C and D can come from either of the slits, meaning they do not know which path the photons took. And something magical happens: interference fringes reappear on screen X. It's as if light is saying, "If you don't know where I come from, we can keep playing."
It is worth noting that screen X is much closer to the light source than the observers. No matter the distance traveled by the idler photons, the results of the experiment remain the same. It's like two friends going out together and parting ways. The one taking the longer path says to the one taking the shorter path, "There are surveillance devices ahead of me, please don't reveal me." It's simply incredible! Could it be that in the microscopic world, the future can influence the past? Einstein also wondered, "Is the moon there simply because we're looking at it? If we're not looking at the moon, could it be anywhere in the universe?" Scientists realize that they cannot surpass light; that's the reality. Hundreds of years of cause-and-effect relationships and classical mechanics collapse in an instant. Does light have consciousness, intention? Could it be capable of foresight? Can results change causes? Can the future change the past? Even materialism collapses with this.
(Click on the image to enlarge.)
Uncertainty is a characteristic of quantum mechanics.
As the Young's double-slit experiment progressed, Danish physicist Niels Bohr synthesized three principles of quantum mechanics, known in the field as the Copenhagen interpretation:
Firstly, unlike the macroscopic world, in the quantum world, all things - atoms, electrons, photons - can exist in different superposed states, where all possibilities coexist.
Secondly, superposed states cannot be precisely measured. In quantum systems, the position and momentum of a particle cannot be simultaneously determined. The more precise the measurement of position, the fuzzier that of momentum becomes. This is known as the "principle of uncertainty" or "indeterminacy principle" of quantum mechanics, dictated by the intrinsic nature of the quantum world.
Thirdly, although all things in the quantum world are in a state of superposition, it is impossible for an observer to see particles in simultaneous superposed states. Thus, after observation, the superposed state collapses into a determined result without ambiguity.
According to this interpretation, a question arises: Are modern optical detection techniques in modern science, especially those used for human health examinations at the molecular level, truly disconnected from quantum phenomena? Certainly not. Therefore, the results obtained represent only a particular state of quantum superposition, not the entirety. In other words, they do not fully reflect the true condition of the subject being examined. Is what they detect under the microscope the result of their observation? There is surely a significant gap between laboratory results and the internal dynamics of the human body. Does this mean that, relying solely on these results, we can fully understand the intricacies of quantum mechanics?tests pour traiter les maladies, dans la plupart des cas, l'objectif de guérir la maladie n'est pas atteint ? Est-ce que la vraie raison réside là-dedans ?
How did ancient Chinese traditional medicine understand "the principle of uncertainty"?
Chinese medicine, guided by philosophy, uses methods such as yin and yang, the five elements, which are "coarse and vague," and does not rely on precise measurement means or "accurate" tests of the components of the human body. This aligns perfectly with the principles of quantum theory. So, how did the ancients of Chinese medicine, thousands of years ago, understand these principles? In fact, the path of medicine shares a common source with the philosophy of Laozi. Laozi's ideas also influenced medicine. Laozi stated in the "Dao De Jing" that the world is chaotic. While the world in the eyes of modern people was clear, or at least they thought it was, Laozi said, "道之为物,惟恍惟惚" (The Dao that becomes everything, is both vague and uncertain), and "其上不皦,其下不昧。绳绳不可名,复归于无物。是谓无状之状、无物之象,是谓惚恍……". This means that, above, it does not seem clear and bright; below, it does not seem dark and obscure, without beginning or end, infinite and indescribable, all movements return to the state of form and image. This is called "vague and uncertain". Whether it's "vague and uncertain" or "uncertain and vague," it represents a state of chaos. In Laozi's eyes, the universe is chaotic, and no one really knows what it wants. Furthermore, 4800 years ago, when the Yellow Emperor specially visited Guang Chengzi and asked him the secret of his longevity, Guang Chengzi, aged 1200 years, replied: "至道之精,窈窈冥冥,至道之極,昏昏默默。" That is: "The essence of the Dao is deep and mysterious, at the extreme of the Dao, it is dim and silent." This means that the essence of the Great Dao is obscure, and its apex is obscure and silent. Therefore, Chinese medicine knows that measuring precisely with numbers cannot explain the nature of the human body. We must admire the intelligence and wisdom of the Chinese ancestors. Laozi's secret is "introspection." He believes that each person is a small universe. And a person who follows the way can observe their own "small universe" and directly understand the origin of the Dao. This became the main method by which Chinese medicine understands the human body. By using this method, the Chinese discovered the meridians, the nature of the body's life, as well as the secrets of self-protection and repair, that is, the three souls and the seven natural abilities. By explaining the pathophysiological processes of the body's internal organs by comparing them to nature, they could see that the methods of Chinese medicine were very scientific from the perspective of quantum mechanics.
Furthermore, ancient Chinese traditional medicine also knew that in the microscopic world, there are quantum superposed states. When a part of the body is ill, it doesn't always manifest in a singular manner but often with a mixture of cold, heat, pain, and swelling. For example, a patient with a cold may have a fever, but they also experience chills and headaches and backaches. However, you can't measure these symptoms, so you don't take them into account. Therefore, Chinese medicine often describes these symptoms as superposed states of cold and heat, and analyzes them from the perspective of dialectical materialism. Depending on the duration of the illness and the depth of the ailment, they may find specific areas that are particularly hot or cold. With methods to disperse the heat or cold, it is often possible to cure the disease after taking a single dose of medicine. Isn't this more scientific than just relieving pain and reducing fever, which can prolong the duration of the illness for six or seven days?
Not only that, but ancient Chinese traditional medicine also knew about the phenomenon of quantum entanglement between organs. When one part of the body is ill, many other nearby and distant parts may also exhibit entangled reactions with each other. For example, if the liver is sick, changes may occur in tangible parts such as the eyes, nails, and tendons, as well as in intangible aspects like emotions, helping to find the source of the disease. Instead of isolating local afflictions from each other and searching for the cause of the disease only locally, which often leads to a dead end, traditional Chinese medicine considers the body as an integrated whole.
I myself treated a patient suffering from chest pain for two years. Despite various medical examinations carried out at the hospital, the cause could not be identified. Although Western medicine also has theories about referred pain, no doctor sought problems elsewhere. After ten acupuncture sessions without results, she said upon arriving at my office, "Please, Doctor, no acupuncture." I simply pressed on her appendix point with a finger, to which she responded, "How did you know I was hurting here?" The response: "That's where the problem lies." After two minutes of massage, the chest pain disappeared, and she did not relapse for two years. In traditional Chinese medicine, each organ is associated with specific physical and emotional aspects, reflecting a deep understanding of the connection between body and mind. For example:
The liver is associated with anger, the eyes, nails, and tendons, and it houses the soul. By treating anger, one can treat eye ailments, for example.
The heart is associated with joy, sweating, blood vessels, and the face, and it houses the spirit.
The spleen is associated with reflection, saliva, muscles, limbs, mouth, and lips, and it houses intention.
The lungs are associated with worry, mucus, skin, hair, and nose, and it houses the body.
The kidneys are associated with fear, saliva, bones, bone marrow, hair, ears, and genitals, and it houses the will.
The concept of quantum entanglement between organs is not limited to physiology and pathology; it can also be used in treatment. For example, people prone to anger or with eye problems can be treated at the liver level. For childhood illnesses, treating the mother with acupuncture can have a healing effect. This cannot be explained by the theory of meridians but only by that of quantum entanglement. In clinical practice, I have found that acupuncture, when practiced according to older theories than that of meridians, can also be very effective in relieving pain, sometimes almost instantaneously. Patients often ask, "Are you performing magic or are you really healing?" There is only one explanation: quantum entanglement.
Consciousness Can Change Matter
Psychologist Dean Redding conducted an experiment in 2012, gathering a total of 130 volunteers whom he divided into two groups: ordinary individuals (Group A) and meditators (Group B). He then asked both groups to meditate in the laboratory, and a few seconds later, he revealed the content of the experiment to them. Shortly after, he asked them to shift their focus. The results showed that when participants meditated while focusing on the content of the experiment, the interference fringes of the particles became weak (see Figure 8), but when they shifted their attention away, the interference fringes of the particles became more pronounced (see Fig 9), indicating that consciousness can influence and change matter. Those who regularly practice meditation show a much stronger influence on interference fringes than ordinary individuals. Most scientists do not recognize the results of Redding's experiment. They may not dare to acknowledge them, perhaps because they are too busy to meditate. According to available records, the Chinese have been practicing meditation, contemplation, and discipline for at least 6000 years. There are many examples where thought has been used to prolong life and change matter, and to improve health, whether one believes it or not. These facts are recorded in many history books.
(Click on the image to enlarge.)
How can diseases heal naturally?
Experiments on light teach us that: 1. Microscopic particles have consciousness, spirituality. 2. The future can change the past. 3. Thought can change matter.
The first assertion is already quite fantastic, the second is stunning, and the third resembles magic. It's frightening! That microscopic particles have consciousness, believe it or not, is the result of experimentation, indisputable. How could the future change the past? But let's look at what Albert Einstein said about the notion of time: "What we call past, present, and future are only persistent illusions." What? Illusions? We are all busy every day, working, earning money, raising children, seeing them grow up and enter society. How could all of this be an illusion? Few would believe it. Yet, in a book from 1883, the British writer and theosophist Alfred Percy Sinnett mentions the Akashic Records, stating that at the end of the world, there is a source of information that records all data in the universe, accessible only to those who are awakened. Everything in the universe, including the past, present, and future of every individual, is recorded. The famous Swedish scientist who freely traveled between the spiritual world and the physical world for 27 years, Emanuel Swedenborg, stated that there is such documentation in the world of spirits. He said that these records not only record the actions of a lifetime but also the thoughts and intentions at different periods of life. After death, each person awaits judgment in an intermediate area between heaven and hell, where the judge's verdict is based on these records. After judgment, one ascends to heaven or descends to hell. All scientists say the same thing, so it seems that some mediums can indeed reveal people's past and future, and most of the prophecies of fortune tellers are correct. Those that don't come true may have been altered by the people involved. This also aligns with Einstein's block universe theory. According to this theory, the universe is a block, but it can be divided into many slices, each visible at any given time. The best way to understand is to imagine a film rolled up on itself, forming a large mass, and 24 images per second on the screen form a complete story.
If you want to know what happened in the past, just rewind; if you want to see the future faster, just accelerate. Thus, is the coexistence of past, present, and future more understandable? Moreover, the Soviet scientist Kosyrev observed a planet 100 light-years away from Earth and said that what we see of this planet dates back a hundred years. By tracking its movement trajectory and observing it with special instruments, he confirmed his predictions. He stated: "In fact, time is a substance. Past, present, and future coexist. To understand, imagine time as a river. The boat we are on is the present. We cannot see the future and the past, but they exist ahead and behind us." In recent years, there have been more and more films about time travel, both to the future and to the past. Don't think it's just for entertainment, as similar events have occurred in the past, inspiring many works of art. According to Einstein, the entry and exit points of time travel are called wormholes. If we can travel through time, or fast forward to the future, modify or determine a future image, like turning an image of illness into an image of complete healing, does it amount to changing the past, erasing the illness from the beginning? The answer might be yes.
Kozyrev invented a concave aluminum mirror (see Fig 10) that allows individuals to travel to the future or the past. Many volunteers participated in the experiment, claiming to have fulfilled their previous wishes before the trial, and some thus changed the course of their lives.
So, we ordinary people can't make Kosyrev's concave mirror. How then can we reach the future to alter future images? The answer is to reach the future through imagination. The renowned physician from the Sui and Tang dynasties, Chao Yuanfang (550-630), recorded this: "If a disease is located below the knee, think of a red light below the navel, connected inside and outside the body; if the disease is located from below the knee to the waist, think of a yellow light in the spleen; if the disease is located from the waist to the head, think of a red light inside the heart; if the skin disease is hot or cold, think of a green light inside the liver. Think of the light, connect internally and externally, and it will disappear on its own; close your eyes, hold your breath, and focus the light on it, it will relieve the disease and eliminate pathogens, it is very effective. Do it seriously and calmly, and the disease will disappear." What does this mean? In Chinese medicine, the spleen is associated with yellow. If the spleen is sick, the yellow fades. "From below the knee to the waist" is the area managed by the spleen. "Think of a yellow light in the spleen," means you have to imagine that your spleen is bathed in yellow light.
In fact, it's imagining that your illness is healed in the future, and that your spleen is bathed in yellow light. Then, your illness will truly be healed, and this is "very effective." The other sentences work in the same way. In Western culture, there are also similar treatment methods. In 1942, the American mystic Neville Goddard published a book titled 《The Power of Awareness》, in which he says that your heart, your imagination, is the divinity that creates your own world. In his other book 《Imagination Creates Reality》, he says from the beginning: "If you are paralyzed and sitting in a wheelchair, close your eyes and imagine that you are completely healed. You are running swiftly on the beach, in the forest, with your family or friends, enjoying the happiness after recovery. Never have a thought of "This is impossible," you do not understand the creative power of your imagination. This method is equivalent to sowing a healing seed in your subconscious. As for the germination, flowering, and fruition of the seed, you don't have to worry about it. Do this every day, have absolute confidence, the universe will receive your message and arrange the necessary people and things to fulfill your wish." According to quantum theory, you change the future, the future changes the past, and the past changes reality. In Rhonda Byrne's book 《The Secret of Health. The Secret》, cases are also described where breast cancer patients completely recovered in three months using this method, and paralyzed patients managed to stand up and walk, even though doctors predicted they would remain vegetables moving only their eyelids.
When using your imagination or mind to change the future, here's what you need to pay attention to:
1. The future must absolutely be one where you are completely healed; you cannot compromise, you must absolutely not doubt that you are healed in the future.
2. After doing this, whether quickly or slowly, depending on the severity of the illness and the individual, at no point should you complain or lose confidence. Otherwise, you risk losing everything.
3. Once healed, you must adopt the same mindset you will have when you are healed. Every day, your actions and words must be those of someone already healed.
4. You must repent, praise, express gratitude, and love once healed. These are the four most crucial things, so start now.
The experience mentioned above tells us that those who meditate regularly have a stronger thought force than those who do not meditate, and therefore have a stronger ability to change matter. Therefore, for you to achieve your wishes as quickly as possible, you must make it a habit to meditate every day.
Microscopic particles all have spirituality, intelligence, and this applies not only to them but also to water. You are surely familiar with the research of the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto on water: water can perfectly understand human language, and it represents 70% of human body weight. In this case, when one of our organs is ill, could we not communicate with the affected part or organ so that it heals itself? After all, it is part of our body. If it is sick, it is certainly because we have not cared enough for it, we have overworked it, exposed it to an unfavorable environment, mistreated our body, or poisoned it. The responsibility lies with humans and not with the diseased organ. If you do not realize this and you become angry with the diseased organ, or despise it, or regret it, or fear it, then the illness will only worsen. Organs with consciousness will be displeased with you, and they might even take your life as a consequence. On the other hand, if you fully realize your mistakes, sincerely apologize to them, express your love for them, then you activate the built-in repair system, and the diseased organ could heal quickly and regain its function. There are people in the world who act in this way, and the results are very good. This is the old Hawaiian method, very simple, just four phrases: "I'm sorry", "Forgive me", "Thank you", "I love you". These four phrases seem simple, but they have profound meaning and great significance. In a state of calmness, by releasing the harmful "materials" from your heart through gratitude and repentance, you will transform them into inspiring energy, which will have a healing effect.
In summary, everything has consciousness, especially the human body. Let it grow naturally, without poison or harm, and eliminate negative emotions from your mind. Always live in a positive, optimistic, joyful, happy, imaginative state. That's the secret to health and longevity.
(1) Wang Jun et al., "Discussion on 'quantum entanglement' and acupuncture", published in volume 37, number 11 of "Acupuncture in China", November 2017.
(2) Excerpt from "Zhongbing Yuanhou Lun" compiled by Chao Yuanfang (physician of the Sui dynasty, former imperial physician).
(March 22, 2024)
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