Scientific research of Qi Gong
Practicing Qigong allows a German girl to develop energy capable of killing super bacteria in her body.
Auteur : Su Yixian, Traduction : Dr Zhu Weimin (June 23 2021)
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According to the definition from Wikipedia, microorganisms are tiny organisms that are difficult to observe with the naked eye. Among microorganisms, there are bacteria, which have a cellular structure, and viruses, which do not have a complete cellular structure. Today, we will not discuss viruses but instead share a story about bacteria, which are also part of the world of microorganisms.
In a fortuitous microbiological experiment, Deyuan, a German student practicing Qigong in China, was discovered to carry a natural super antibiotic capable of killing a harmful bacterium in the human body known as "super bacteria," specifically the staphylococcus aureus.
Deyuan, 22 years old, was born in Germany and began learning Chinese Qigong with her parents from a young age. She grew up practicing Qigong and, as an adult, excelled in her studies and was admitted to university to study medicine.
Those who have met Deyuan have all had the impression that she is a calm, reserved, and cultivated young woman.
The First Microbiology Experiment
During a winter semester at university, Deyuan was taking a microbiology course. In the first lesson, the students were given agar plates to cultivate and observe microorganisms, as well as perform various experiments.
The students were instructed to imprint their fingerprints onto a blood agar plate to determine the level of dirtiness on their hands. The plates were then placed in a culture incubator to allow any present bacteria to multiply and be observed.
A few days later, when Deyuan retrieved her plate with her fingerprint, she was very surprised. While many of her classmates' plates had clearly visible bacterial colonies, there was almost nothing on Deyuan's plate.
Deyuan herself was perplexed: "Why is there nothing on my plate? Did I wash my hands before the class? But I did touch things afterwards!"
Deyuan regularly practiced Qigong. Apparently, she was no different from others in appearance, but Qigong practice could fill her body with energy. However, how did this energy manifest? Did the energy that Deyuan carried kill or inhibit the bacteria present on her fingerprint?
Of course, it would not be fair to draw conclusions based on a single experiment. It could be considered a fortuitous event. Therefore, the second experiment of Deyuan needs to be examined.
Second Microbiology Experiment
In the second experiment proposed by the professor, the students were tasked with checking for the presence of microorganisms on commonly touched objects outside or at home. Deyuan chose a banknote. A few days later, when Deyuan retrieved the culture plate that had come into contact with the banknote, she was even more surprised as this plate was also quite "clean," while many other plates showed growing bacterial colonies.
Deyuan was perplexed because everyone knows that banknotes are particularly dirty.
It is important to clarify that the experiment Deyuan participated in was part of a microbiology course at a university in Germany. It was not an experiment she voluntarily conducted to prove the presence of energy within her. Medical education methods in Germany are rigorous, and medical equipment is advanced.
The results of the second experiment showed that Deyuan's fingerprints and the objects she had touched did not contain bacteria, despite living in a world filled with microorganisms. Bacteria were present on the computer mouse and everything around it.
The only possible explanation is that the energy produced through Deyuan's Qigong practice has an effect on bacteria. If the hypothesis that the energy within Deyuan's body is capable of killing bacteria is valid, it means she possesses a form of protection that prevents bacteria from entering. In the absence of bacterial intrusion, the body naturally remains healthy.
So, how does this form of energy exist? Perhaps the third experiment could answer this question.
Troisième expérience : Enfin, des bactéries sont découvertes
Pour la troisième expérience en microbiologie, le professeur a demandé à chaque groupe d'étudiants d'utiliser le mucus de leur gorge pour l'expérience bactérienne, ainsi que le mucus de leur nez, et de les étaler sur des plaques de gélose.
Comme les autres membres de son groupe voulaient utiliser les bactéries de leur gorge pour l'expérience, Deyuan a dû utiliser les bactéries de son nez.
Quelques jours plus tard, les étudiants ont récupéré leurs plaques de gélose avec une feuille de papier indiquant les données analytiques et les noms des différentes bactéries. Cette fois-ci, il y avait clairement une colonie bactérienne sur la plaque de Deyuan, ce qui l'a rendue très heureuse. Elle a vu que le nom de ses bactéries était "Staphylococcus lugdunensis".
Chacun pouvait interroger le professeur sur ses propres bactéries, mais personne n'avait la même bactérie que Deyuan. Elle voulait aussi savoir ce que ses bactéries étaient, et elle était la dernière personne à poser la question au professeur.
Lorsque le professeur a entendu le nom des bactéries de Deyuan, il était très enthousiaste et a dit qu'il s'agissait d'une espèce nouvellement découverte. Bien qu'elle ait été découverte il y a plus de dix ans, elle n'a été publiée que récemment, car on vient de découvrir que cette bactérie peut tuer une autre bactérie, connue sous le nom de "Staphylococcus aureus", qui est pathogène et provoque de nombreuses maladies graves.
Lorsque le professeur a fait cette déclaration, tous les étudiants se sont tournés vers Deyuan. La bactérie qu'elle a découverte dans son nez lors de la troisième expérience - Staphylococcus lugdunensis - est en fait une variété de Staphylococcus qui peut tuer des bactéries nuisibles.
Les résultats des trois expériences montrent clairement que, bien que Deyuan ne semble pas différente des autres en apparence, à l'échelle microscopique, l'énergie qu'elle porte peut empêcher l'intrusion des bactéries. Lorsque des bactéries nuisibles pénètrent dans son nez, le Staphylococcus lugdunensis les élimine.
On peut dire que la barrière microscopique présente dans le monde de Deyuan est liée à sa pratique du Qigong, ou que le Staphylococcus lugdunensis pourrait être considéré comme une manifestation de l'énergie.
What is Staphylococcus lugdunensis?
To understand what Staphylococcus lugdunensis is, we first need to know about Staphylococcus aureus. Staphylococcus aureus is responsible for various purulent infections such as boils, abscesses, middle ear infections, sinusitis, osteomyelitis, and sepsis.
Staphylococcus aureus is present in most diseases. It resides in the upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and even causes skin infections. Among them, there are "superbugs" such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
This means that the antibiotics developed by humanity have no effect on this bacterium, but Staphylococcus lugdunensis is the "nemesis" of this superbug.
In 2016, scientist Andreas Peschel from the University of Tübingen in Germany and his colleagues discovered a weapon capable of combating the "super Staph".
Interestingly, this deadly weapon comes from another variety of Staphylococcus, Staphylococcus lugdunensis. The results of this study were published in the journal "Nature".
In further research, the scientists found that Staphylococcus lugdunensis possesses a gene cluster composed of four genes: lugA, lugB, lugC, and lugD. Together, they produce a protein called "lugdunin".
This protein is made up of six amino acids that are linked together to form a ring-like structure.
Surprisingly, lugdunin exhibits powerful broad-spectrum antibacterial activity. Even at a concentration as low as 1.5 μg of lugdunin per milliliter, it inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, including MRSA, which cannot escape from this "assassin".
Furthermore, lugdunin shows bactericidal activity against many other Gram-positive pathogens. At an appropriate concentration, it can eliminate notorious superbugs such as vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE).
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