A 38-year-old patient who underwent a cesarean section 6 years ago is experiencing pain on the left side of the incision. The pain worsens during bad weather. Over the past 6 years, she has received various treatment methods in multiple cities in France, including traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, but none of them were effective. She reached out to her surgeon, requesting him to open up and take a look. The surgeon replied, "If we open it up and find nothing, how can we close it again? And what if the pain persists?" According to him, there was no surgical indication. Consequently, the patient endured the pain for 6 years.

No specific medical history.

Clinical examination:

No evident skin abnormalities. The scar measures 15 cm in length, well-formed on the abdomen, without redness or palpation abnormalities, only mild pain.


Postoperative scar pain.


According to the 3C Technique, the Tianying point was located, and acupuncture was performed using 2 needles.

The pain diminished immediately after needle insertion. 20 minutes later, the pain completely disappeared.

Three months later, the pain reappeared but with less intensity than before.

Clinical examination:

No abnormalities upon palpation, except for mild pain.


Acupuncture using the same method, with horizontal needle insertion.

The pain diminished immediately after needle insertion. 20 minutes later, the pain completely disappeared.

She did not follow up for 2 years.

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Case 36. Postoperative Scar Pain for 6 Years

(Saint Julien en Genevois Clinic)

Dr. Zhu Weimin (July 7, 2022)