Medical Case 4:
Premature ejaculation
--- Dr. Zhu Weimin (June 6, 2023)
Over 20 years ago, a 40-year-old surgeon had been suffering from premature ejaculation for 4 years. He had consulted several specialists in France but without satisfactory results. A psychiatrist diagnosed a psychological disorder and said, "It's a mental problem, you need to find a partner to solve this problem." However, he replied, "I'm already married, how can I find another partner?"
He asked me if there was a solution in Chinese medicine. I invited him to my office and had him perform special muscle exercises for 20 minutes. Then I told him, "From tonight, your problem will be resolved."
He didn't believe me and said, "Dr. Zhu, you're joking. You're joking."
I replied, "If you don't believe it, too bad."
The next day, in the hospital parking lot, as soon as he saw me from a distance, he joined his hands in a sign of respect and deeply bowed at a 90-degree angle, saying, "Master!" He took a few steps forward, repeated it once more, with a smile.
I asked him, "How was your evening yesterday?"
He replied, "It was incredible! This problem had been troubling me for a long time, and finally, you found a solution for me."
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